Step into a world of intoxicating scents with knockout healing powers. Treat your body and your mind like a temple, whether it’s creating the relaxing environment you’re so craving, or discovering that little boost of energy to elevate your mood. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative healing that can do just the trick.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic extracts that are distilled or expressed from plant materials, such flowers, roots, resin and fruit. An essential oil captures a plant’s natural healing properties and scent - also known as a plants essence. Each Campo essential oil is 100% pure, unaltered and sourced from the most beautiful countrysides around the world.
True essential oils are distilled with steam, water or both, expressed from plant material (as in “cold pressed”) or macerated in water. People often refer to absolutes and C02 extracts as “essential oils”, but these compounds are extracted differently than true essential oils. All Campo essential oils are distilled, expressed or macerated using natural plant materials.
Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways. In an aromatic sense, diffusing oils promotes inhalation. They can also be applied topically to the skin, with use of carrier oils for dilution. The benefits of inhalation and topical application result from responses in the brain that send healing to the body. Essential oils can greatly enhance one’s life and overall wellbeing.
- ◄What is the difference between fragrance oil and essential oil?
- While essential oils are extracted from pure plant materials, fragrance oils are typically synthetically made chemical scents produced in labs.
- ◄I bought Campo essential oil, now what do I do with it?
- Campo essential oils are designed to work aromatic wonders when used in conjunction with our aromatherapy diffusers, diluted and used topically, or inhaled directly.
- ◄How do I dilute an essential oil?
- Essential oils are most often diluted in plant-based carrier oils, such as jojoba, sunflower and apricot kernel. You can also dilute oils in your favorite lotion, cream, liquid soap or shampoo. Most dilutions for topical application fall within 1%-5%. There are many ways to calculate dilution dilutions, but a standard rule of thumb is 3-5 drops in ½ ounce of carrier oil for a 1% dilution.
- ◄Can essential oils be used undiluted?
- While some essential oils can safely be used undiluted (NEAT), we recommend diluting all essential oils for topical application.
- ◄Where is the best place to apply essential oils topically?
- The most common places to apply oils are on pulse points, the wrist, neck and bottom of feet. After applying on the wrist, rub wrists together to activate the aromatic molecules and inhale the aroma through the nose. Massage, body and face oils can be applied over other parts of the body but should be kept away from eyes and mucus membranes.
- ◄What is the difference between organic and wild-harvested essential oils?
- We source our essential oils from around the world and choose certified organic whenever possible. To become a certified organic farm is a costly and long process and often times the organic version of an oil isn’t necessary (as with wild-harvested) or the aroma is inferior to conventional. Wild-crafted essential oils come from plants gathered from their natural habitats in the wild. These plants are harvested in a sustainable manner without using any chemicals.
- ◄How should I store my oils?
- It is best to store oils in dark glass, away from light and heat, and preferably in a relatively cool area. It is also important to keep caps tight and keep the headspace of air to a minimum to reduce oxidation (if you purchase large bottles of oil, pure into smaller bottles after a certain amount has been used).
- ◄What is the shelf life of our oils?
- Our pure oils are packaged in violet glass to protect against damaging UV light and extend shelf life. Most oils have a shelf life of 2-3 years. Some oils, such as citrus oils, degrade faster and have a shelf life closer to 1-2 years. Some oils, such as vetiver and sandalwood, can actually last 4-8 years or longer stored in proper conditions. To extend shelf life of your oils, store in a cool, dry place, with cap tightly closed.