DIY Mosquito Repellent Spray

DIY Mosquito Repellent Spray

Herbs, plants, and flowers are nature's medicine cabinet. Nothing puts a damper on an outdoor party, afternoon at the lake, or summer camping trip like a group of uninvited and aggressive mosquitoes. While store-bought repellents can be effective, they can also be full of harsh chemicals. Natural mosquito repellent solutions, however, are a safer way to keep bugs away—and are easy to DIY at home.

Discover how a combination of our CROWN & BREATHE Pure Essential Oil Blends can ward off pesky mosquitos as well as ease head & neck tension and open up your airways. Key ingredients mosquitos detest are a natural blend of: peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary & black pepper.

The reason these work? The key to avoiding mosquitoes isn't pushing them away—it's preventing them from being drawn to you in the first place. These essential oils are found to be a mask for the odors that female mosquitoes are attuned to when searching for a blood meal. Sweat, body odor, CO2, and sometimes even your blood type can emit smells that attract these bloodsuckers.


Mix 15-20 drops of CROWN essential oil, 15-20 drops of Breathe essential oil with 1/3 cup witch hazel and 1/3 cup distilled water in a spray bottle. 

For the body: Spray solution on arms, legs and exposed skin areas. Avoid face & eyes.

For the home or outdoor environment: spray the solution around entry points like windowsills and door frames, or places where insects might hide. You can also put a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them around your house or tent at these entry points. 


Keep bugs at bay

Ease tension

100% natural

Beautiful scent profile


Take this quiet time to tap into your breath reflect on your gratitude for Mother Nature and all her beauty.



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