Forgot to put your favorite bottle of champagne on ice? Campo co-founder Jill King has you covered with this fast and festive garnish.
The Shopping List:
· Champagne (King recommends Ruinart Blanc deBlancs)
· Fresh cranberries
· Distilled water
The How-To: Spike distilled water with cranberries and freeze to create snow globe-like ice cubes. Pop the finished product in a coupe glass and pour bubbly over top before serving yourself—and anyone else who’s lucky enough to social distance alongside you.
Pair It With: “Water crackers and brie topped with fig and cayenne jam,” says King, whose holiday plans including “skiing, snowball fights, roaring fires, and holiday cheer with family in Aspen.”
No need for Christmas crackers when you have a “pinata filled with goodies” like Campo’s other half, Jessica Frandson. Similar to her business partner, she loves to spice up a classic margarita with a quick hit of color. She freezes cranberries and lime slivers in ice cubes to add even more flair to her holiday fiesta.
The Shopping List:
· Tequila (Frandson recommends 1800 Silver)
· Cointreau liqueur
· Fresh limes
· Cranberries
· Distilled water
The How-To: Fill an ice cube tray with cranberries, lime slices, and distilled water. Freeze in advance. Pack a cocktail shaker with regular ice and add equal parts tequila, lime juice, and Cointreau. Shake for 30 seconds. Pour over a fruity ice cube.
Pair It With: Hatch green chile chipotle queso dip, tortilla chips, and bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers. “We’re hosting a Feliz Navidad dinner inspired by our California roots and love of Mexican culture,” says Frandson. She plans to cap off the evening with a few rounds of pin the tail on the donkey.